Monday 16 April 2012

UFS111 - Chapter 10

10th Reflection

In 200 words write about the worst luck you think happened in your life.

10th Vocabulary Entry

Find the meaning of all the words in bold in the following article.

However, despite the beliefs of these 17-21 million people, there is no evidence that accidents are more likely to happen on Friday the 13th.  On the contrary, some studies have shown there are actually fewer accidents on Friday the 13th. A recent report completed by a Dutch insurance company showed that there were fewer incidents of fires and theft on Fridays that fell on the 13th  than on any other Fridays in the same year. 

It is highly probable that this reduction in accidents owes itself to the fear of Friday the 13th  itself. If people are more cautious on Friday the 13th , then there are likely to be fewer accidents. 

If, then, there is no significant evidence that Friday the 13th  is any more dangerous than any other day of the year, why do friggatriskaidekaphobics remain convinced of its unluckiness? While the historical or folk traditions discussed earlier may have something to do with this belief, people may also use associational links to justify their superstitions. If a friggatriskaidekaphobic loses his wallet on Tuesday the 21st , for example, he would probably not assign any meaning to the date on which this event occurred. If the same individual lost his wallet on Friday the 13th,  however, he might be likely to conclude that the inauspicious nature of Friday the 13th  was at

UFS111 - Chapter 9

9th Reflection

Choose the best picture of yourself and post it in your blog. Then in 100 words write why that is your best picture.

9th Vocabulary Entry

Read the article and find the meaning of each of the words in bold.*


In 1760, a man named Tiphaigne de la Roche made a bizarre prediction. In an imaginary story called Giphantie, mirror images of scenes from nature could be captured permanently on a canvas covered with a sticky material. After the material dried in darkness, the image would remain on the canvas forever. At the time, the idea was unheard of. It was not until the following century that the concept of photography was born, starting with some experiments by Nicéphore 5 Niépce.   

Nicéphore Niépce, who was a French inventor, was interested in lithography, which is a printmaking technique. He was experimenting with lithography when he found a way of copying etchings onto glass and pewter plates using a chemical that changes when it is exposed to light. He learned to burn images onto the plates and then print the images on paper. He shared his 10 findings with Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, who improved the process and announced it to the French Academy of Sciences in 1839. 

The Daguerreotype, the photography method named after Daguerre, met with great success. It was so successful, in fact, that French newspapers said the French public had an illness called Daguerreotypomania! Daguerreotypes were inexpensive and were suitable for portraiture. People called the Daguerreotype a “mirror with a memory.” Some 15  portrait artists went out of business when Daguerreotypes came into vogue. Others became Daguerreotypists, now known as photographers.  
Photography took off and today includes You Tube fans, I–Reporters, and everybody with a cell phone camera. Today photography captures life around the globe. The bizarre prediction of Mr. de le Roche has come true, and then some.  

But how was the prediction of mirror-image pictures made in the first place? Was de la Roche’s prediction of mirror-image photography just a lucky guess? Or was the Daguerreotype a picture-perfect case of life imitating art?  

UFS111 - Chapter 8

8th Reflection

1.Decide whether you are a Baker, Boffin, Butler or a Builder.
2.Based on this, give advice to yourself on how to improve your learning.

8th Vocabulary Entry

Read the following article and give the meaning to the words in bold.

Learning English as a Second Language

Anyone who is thinking of moving to an English speaking country will clearly be anxious to learn the language, so they can integrate themselves easily. Learning English as a second language opens many doors for people and provides them with a variety of options they might have otherwise gone without. ELS persons will be able to converse freely with people they meet, making getting settled in a new home much easier. People also want to have an understanding of English for work purposes, as an internationally accepted language and the language of business, the English language is imperative to the success and advancement in many industries and workplaces.

In order to learn English with no existing knowledge base, a person will need to know their options in terms of programs and school that will work best for their learning style. For example, a person could sign up for a night school class, or a college course, or try to learn English using audio tapes and books. A popular option for many students is to participate in an online program. Learning using online tools and support systems can be helpful for anyone who has work or family commitments and cannot attend a weekly lesson. This type of learning is much more interactive than trying to learn using audio and books alone, and can usually provide extra resources and support for student struggling with course material.

By using online facilities to learn English as a second language, students will find that they are able to manage their lessons much easier and see improvements in the speaking and understanding of the English language. They can learn at their own pace and be able to go over anything that they do not understand, which makes the whole experience a lot more positive. Having the flexibility to learn English as a second language in your spare time, means that the student will not have to alter their usual routine to accommodate their coursework.

Another benefit of using the internet to learn English as a second language is that popular language courses may offer students a free lesson when they begin. This will help a learner to get a feeling of the course, and decide whether or not it would be suitable for them. Without this kind of session a lot of potential learners can be put off by the style of learning/teaching before signing up for a full course or series.

The benefits of learning English as a second language in a user-friendly environment are very valuable and will be greatly utilized in future communication experiences, including personal, professional, and educational. Anyone thinking of expanding their language skills should certainly consider using online learning tools to help them succeed. Using such a method is not only interesting and interactive, but it can also be very enjoyable and is perfect for anyone with a busy schedule.

UFS111 - Chapter 7

7th Reflection 
Write in your blog a conclusion paragraph that concludes the idea in the following article.

7th Vocabulary Entry 

Read and copy the words in bold and give the meaning.

Why natural disaster are not natural at all.
(Natural News) From the point of view of many humans, the term "natural disaster" is a convenient scapegoat because it allows a person (or a whole nation) to blame nature for their own poor planning. Wherever we find so-called "natural disasters" around the world, we also usually find a large group of people who have cut down the forests that buffer rainfall, paved over the grasslands that allow rain to soak into the soil, and built their homes right in the middle of gullies and natural drainage channels. When the floods come, they look to the sky and curse Mother Nature, shouting, "We got hit by a natural disaster!"

Of course, in some cases it really is a natural disaster. When a volcano blows and causes widespread destruction beyond what anyone could have reasonably foreseen -- such as Mt St Helens in the 1980's -- that's a legitimate natural disaster. When an under-the-ocean earthquake causes a fifty-foot tsunami that wipes out a beach town, that's a legitimate natural disaster, too. When a large meteorite slams into the planet with the force of millions of atomic bombs, laying waste to an entire era of unique life forms (the dinosaurs, for example), that's a natural disaster.

However, getting wiped out by a flood because you built your house right in the flood path of a local river is not a natural disaster. That's a man-made disaster. Or, more accurately, it's just poor planning on the part of short-sighted humans. And when it comes to disasters, there's plenty of short-sightedness to go around these days.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

UFS111 - 6th Vocabulary Entry

6th Vocabulary Entry 

List 10 words that are related to making movies. Explain the meaning of each word.

For example: 

  1. CastingsThe selection of actors or performers for the parts of a presentation.

UFS111 - 6th Reflection

6th Reflection

In about 200 words, give your comments about the latest movie you watched recently.

UFS111 - 5th Vocabulary Entry

5th Vocabulary Entry

•List 20 Irregular Verbs
•Give the meaning of each word

UFS111 - 5th Reflection

5th Reflection 

Choose a comedian (Local or International) write in about 200 words as to why you think that he/she is the best comedian. Describe him/her.

UFS111 - 3rd Vocabulary Entry

3rd Vocabulary Entry
  • List 20 words from the clips that is related to the theme Lost Worlds 
  • Find the meaning of each word

Ancient - Extremely old or have existed for a very long period of time.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

UFS111 - 4th Reflection

4th Reflection

Watch the clip and write in about 200 words what was the message that the clip is depicting.
Did the clip inspired you?
If YES, why? In what way?
If NO, Way? In what way?

UFS111 - 4th Vocabulary Entry

4th Vocabulary Entry:

Create Phrasal Verbs by matching the following words with 2 other words.
For Example:

  • Burn down
    • Meaning:  Burn completely
  • Burn up
    • Meaning:  Destroy completely

  1. Take 
  2. Blow
  3. Break 
  4. Dig
  5. Make 
  6. Switch
  7. Laugh 
  8. Put
  9. Breath
  10. Work

    Friday 23 March 2012

    UFS111 - 3rd Reflection

    3rd Reflection 

    •Watch the short clips on 2 famous lost world 
    •Elaborate 3 similarities and 3 differences between the two.  

    UFS111 - 2nd Vocabulary Entry

    List 20 words that are related to 'EXPLORATION'. Give the meaning to each word. For example:

    1.  NavigationThe theory and practice of navigating, especially the charting of a course for a ship or aircraft

    UFS111 - 2nd Reflection

    Choose 1(one) explorer (eg.: Niel Armstrong). Do a bit of research about them and write your opinion about this person in about 200 words.

    UFS111 - 1st Vocabulary Entry

    List 20 words and it's meaning, that are related to 'Love and Relationship'. For example:

    1. Bond - To join in two or more individuals in or as if in a nurturing relationship.
    2. Adore - Worship or like very much.

    UFS111 - 1st Reflection Topic

    Write in about 200 words  your opinion about LOVE.

    Tuesday 17 January 2012


    Dear Students,
    Congratulations! You have passed UFS101 and now in UFS111.  The 2nd level in all the English in Cosmopoint. Welcome to another semester of fun through the English Language.  I expect all my students to prepare their mental as well as physical before coming to my class.  I want us to have fun and actually learn something if not many things.